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Grace in Action: How Jesus’ Love Shined Through Our Journey at Olongapo City’s Deaf and Blind Center

Apr 15, 2024

1 min read



The people behind the center

In the spirit of Christ’s teachings, giving isn’t merely an act; it’s a powerful reflection of God’s abundant love and grace. During our visit to the Ninos Pag-Asa Center for Deaf and Blind in Olongapo City, Philippines, I was deeply reminded of what truly matters. As followers of Jesus, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, to give with hearts wide open, just as 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "God loves a cheerful giver." My heart overflows with gratitude because what began as a simple visit turned into something far more profound. It was as if we were walking into a moment that Jesus had prepared in advance.

During my short visit to the place, we were able to share a favorite Filipino merienda “Aruzcaldo” and just fellowship with the people and learn more about their stories.  By allowing Christ’s love and grace to flow through us and touch lives in a way only He can. Serving others and seeing their smiles and laughter really warmed our hearts, and their strength in the face of adversity was a vivid evidence of the grace that Jesus pours out on each of us.

Children singing The Prayer

The kids blessed us with a performance of "The Prayer" to sing as an act of thanks.  As their voices filled the room, it became clear that God’s presence was right there with us. We came with the intention to bless them, but it was we who received the greater blessing. My heart is filled with gratitude for this experience, knowing that every act of love is a reflection of Jesus’ own love for us.

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